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How cryptic is cryptocurrency and how is this involved in family law cases?
Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency which seems to have emerged from nowhere over the past few years. It is what is known as a “decentralised” system which to the uninitiated means that it is run by several different offices rather than one central one. The system is also governed by cryptography which is defined as “the art of writing or solving codes” which sounds very James Bond! The more prominent type of cryptocurrency that the masses are likely to have heard of is Bitcoin. READ MORE

Impact of economic instability on divorce
2022 was an interesting year. As interesting as a year containing political and economic instability can be, with a side order of the threat of world war thrown in for good measure. But where have the events of 2022 left us as a country? We are now in the aftermath of the political instability we went through following the whirlwind appointment and resignation of former PM Liz Truss. We are now in the era of Rishi Sunak and only time will tell how successful his tenure will be. READ MORE

We've reached agreement about the house and the kids - but what about the dog?
So you are in the process of getting divorced. You have made arrangements to sell the house and split the proceeds, you have amicably sorted out contact arrangements for the children. But what happens to the family dog? You may think of Fido as a member of the family, but in the eyes of the law your pampered pooch will rate about as highly in the pecking order as a sofa or a painting – and the amount of time allocated to dealing with them at Court will... READ MORE

When did it end?
In a highly unusual cases reported in the press recently, a wife lost out on £1.7 million in maintenance due to a technicality over when the parties’ marriage actually ended. In this case, the couple married in 2012. The couple separated in 2013. The wife applied for divorce and the application got to the stage of decree nisi, but she never applied to make the decree nisi absolute and so the marriage never technically ended. The parties reconciled in 2014 and stayed together until 2020, when the marriage actually ended. READ MORE